With Traci i am taking a Fiber Fusion Art Journal workshop. We will be making a funky book with painted pages all sewn together with fabric adorned spine and all sorts of dangly additions. Traci is known for her colourful style and zany approach to art.
With Stephanie i am taking a workshop titled Art Excavation - Plaster Meets Wax. It will be an exploration of a poured plaster surface that we will carve and embed fragments into. We'll also layer on colour and imagery to create depth.
And finally the workshop with Ann - The Palimpsest - The Magic and Mystery of Text. Sounds cool doesn't it? I know from the history of altered books that a palimpsest is an ancient document that is scraped and the text rewritten. Often done to conform to the religious beleifs of the day. We'll be using the concepts of the written word and layering to create some art.
I found the images above on google. Asilomar looks like a windblown natural sort of place - not what some people(including me!) would consider a resort. I doubt pina coladas will be served by the pool or anything like that. But does it really matter? It is all about the art and the experience of spending 4 days with like minded crazy artsy-crafty indiviuals.
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