Here is a sample of deli paper that was painted, stamped and glazed.
But i digress.... Over the top of the deli paper strips is a transparency image of the those Mendocino windswept trees. Along with a verse from a song called The Wayward Wind, sung by many artists, it just seemed to fit the image. I don't have Photo Shop or anything fancy in terms of graphic software so i spent HOURS trying to shrink and resize everything to fit. I just could not get the proportions right. Since the 4x4 pages will be spiral bound on the left - you have to leave a margin. To squeeze in the trees and the verse was hard. Then i got a brainstorm (insert lightbulb here). Why not use power point to figure out the placement? I have used it at work, but never in my crafting. It worked great! I was able to layer the trees and the text and rearrange until it fit.
Next came the challenge to print the thing in the 4x4 size. Previously i was working in an 8x8 page. Well it is just as darn simple as copying it at 50% reduction. I actually reduced in 47% so i had some wiggle room when i trimmed it.
Once i printed them all, (squeezing 4 into a single sheet of 8x10 matte photo paper) i cut them out using a pro rotary trimmer. I had already designed the backs using a vintage postcard image of tortured looking trees along the Carmel coastline. Left them a bit big, glued them onto the back, and trimmed to fit. Nothing is harder than trying to glue two equal sized squares together perfectly.
A bit of cat's eye ink around the edges and I am calling this done. Or am I? Gee, maybe a bird flying in those trees? Maybe some fibers along the edge? Since i ran out of glue stick, i'll have to finish them up tomorrow before I can mail them anyway - so i have time to think this through. But not much! They have to be received my March 1st to be included in the book!! Yikes - don't fail me now, US postal service.....!
I am not sure these little 4x4 squares are representative of my efforts, such as they are at this late date, but i am proud of them and hope they will be appreciated in the group of 31. We'll meet each other and receive our books at Art and Soul's Asilomar retreat in April. More on that later...